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Message of
Dr Kaviraj Sharma Sukon

Chairperson of MRIC

Esteemed partners of MRIC, I would like to highlight the indispensable role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in fostering innovation and driving economic growth. In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, collaboration between the public and private sectors has become not just advantageous but essential for sustained progress and prosperity. I wish to appeal to all the public and private sector stakeholders to join hands to give the necessary boost to research and innovative practices. Each sector alone won't be able to achieve the desired goals. That's why MRIC, conscious of its role as a catalyst, continues to increase its efforts to take research and innovation to greater heights.


Innovation lies at the heart of economic advancement. It fuels productivity, enhances competitiveness, and propels nations forward on the path of sustainable development. However, fostering a culture of innovation requires concerted efforts from both governmental bodies and private enterprises. This is where the concept of public-private partnerships emerges as a game-changer.


First and foremost, PPPs serve as catalysts for innovation by leveraging the unique strengths and resources of both sectors. While the public sector often possesses significant regulatory power, funding, and access to research facilities, the private sector brings in agility, entrepreneurial spirit, and market-driven insights. By combining these complementary assets, PPPs create synergies that drive breakthroughs in technology, science, and business practices.


Moreover, PPPs play a crucial role in mitigating risks associated with innovation investment. Developing innovative solutions entails inherent uncertainties and costs, which can deter private investors from fully committing to such endeavours. Through strategic partnerships with the public sector, these risks can be distributed more equitably, thereby encouraging greater private-sector participation in research and development initiatives.


Furthermore, PPPs facilitate knowledge transfer and skill development, fostering a culture of continuous learning and capacity building. By collaborating on joint projects, stakeholders from both sectors gain exposure to diverse perspectives, best practices, and cutting-edge technologies. This exchange enhances innovation ecosystems' effectiveness and nurtures a pool of talent equipped with the expertise needed to drive future advancements.


Importantly, the benefits of PPPs extend beyond individual enterprises to the broader economy. By fostering innovation-led growth, these partnerships stimulate job creation, attract foreign investment, and enhance the overall quality of life for citizens. Moreover, by addressing societal challenges through innovation, such as healthcare, energy, and environmental sustainability, PPPs contribute to building more resilient and inclusive societies.


As we navigate the complexities of the 21st-century global economy, it is evident that no single entity possesses all the resources or capabilities needed to address our multifaceted challenges. Hence, collaboration becomes not just a strategic choice but a moral imperative. By harnessing public and private stakeholders' collective wisdom and ingenuity, we can unlock new frontiers of innovation and propel our economies towards sustainable growth and prosperity.


I earnestly urge all stakeholders to embrace the transformative power of public-private partnerships in driving innovation and economic development. Let us work together, hand in hand, to build a future where creativity knows no bounds, where every challenge is met with unwavering resolve, and where prosperity is shared by all.


Thank you for your unwavering commitment to advancing the cause of innovation and economic development through collaborative partnerships.


Dr K S Sukon

Chairperson of MRIC

© 2024 Mauritius Research and Innovation Council

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