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Charting the Course of Innovation:
A Comprehensive Overview of MRIC's Commitment to Progress

In the ever-evolving  landscape of research and innovation, the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC) stands as a beacon of dynamic commitment to social and technological advancements. As we delve in this edition of our newsletter, it is with immense pride and enthusiasm that we unveil a narrative woven with events, achievements, and deliverables, each echoing our unwavering dedication to driving Mauritius towards a future defined by innovation.

A pivotal aspect of our commitment lies in the meticulous showcasing of important deliverables through project implementations and outcomes. The articles presented in this edition serve as tangible evidence of our ongoing efforts to concretely portray our commitment to the nation's progress. From groundbreaking research initiatives to impactful innovations, each piece underscores the palpable results of our collective endeavors.

The launch of the second call for proposals under the Roadmap for Innovation is a noteworthy milestone, emblematic of our steadfastness in achieving the recommendations set forth in “Les Assises de la Recherche et de l'Innovation”. This strategic move is a clear demonstration of our commitment to fostering an environment conducive to innovation, where ideas can flourish and contribute to the overall growth and development of our nation.

Venturing beyond the terrestrial realm, our pursuit of a space agenda for Mauritius has taken significant strides. The recently signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and MRIC, to build a new satellite, is a testament to our aspirations of becoming a respected space-faring island state in Africa. Simultaneously, the ongoing Nereus project, leveraging machine learning, AI, algorithms, and space data, showcases our commitment to harnessing cutting-edge technology for the monitoring of our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

In addressing societal challenges,  the MRIC proudly launched the much-anticipated report for the Gender-Based Violence Observatory. This achievement underscores our commitment to employing innovative research and data-driven solutions to address pressing issues. It serves as a poignant reminder of our responsibility to contribute meaningfully to the ongoing discourse surrounding gender-based concerns.

Looking towards the horizon, the upcoming projects on our agenda promise to further elevate our commitment to innovation. The 3rd Edition of the National Innovation Challenge is poised to bring forth fresh ideas and creative solutions from the brightest minds in Mauritius. Concurrently, the vigilant monitoring of the Innovation Box regime underscores our dedication to stimulating innovation and economic growth.

In conclusion, the MRIC remains resolute in its pursuit of excellence in research, innovation, and development. Our deepest gratitude extends to our partners, stakeholders, and the dedicated members of our team who tirelessly contribute to our shared vision. Together, let us continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and collectively shape a future that holds the promise of prosperity for Mauritius.


Prof Theesan Bahorun, G.O.S.K.

Executive Director of MRIC

© 2024 Mauritius Research and Innovation Council

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